I don't know, I didn't question it, I just woke and knew: today, somehow, someway, I will have salsa.
It was like my soul needed salsa. And, magically, Betsy and I went to lunch at my new-slash-old favorite taqueria in Decatur [new because we've been there twice in the last week, and old, because the last time I was there was in highschool] and I ordered chips-and-salsa. And was presented with a beautiful plate of three varieties of salsa. I should have just eaten that for lunch. My soul was immediately happy.

I so wish that my creativity was like that plate of salsa: I craved, I said it out loud, and Bets took me to a place where I could get it. I wish I could:
*Get Inspired [crave]
*Fully imagine the whole experience [say it out loud]
*Have someone take me to the place I need to go to get what I need to complete it
But I find, more often now than ever, that my creativity is like a mountain, in that it's as much about the climbing as it is about being at the top.
Sometimes it's as much about the craving as it is about satisfying the craving.
{both photos iPhone photos by (c)quiet+world+creative}